Your Breasts Are The Key To Your Hormonal Health & Orgasms
Mar 25, 2022
Bells of Love.
This is the poetic Taoist name for a woman’s breasts! Breasts are a symbol of nurturance, femininity, sexuality and with their proximity to the heart, of loving energy too.
Think about your relationship to your breasts.
Do you touch them? Do you like them?
Is your self talk about your breasts positive or negative or completely absent? Do you moisturise your breasts like other parts of your body?
As I write this, I’m aware that some women may have had breast surgery, a mastectomy or feel trauma in relation to their breasts. This could be as a result of breastfeeding, negative sexual experiences, cultural upbringing or for other reasons. I understand that even reading a post like this can be triggering.
I want you to know that it’s still possible to connect with the energy of your breasts and to heal that relationship with your body. In the case of surgery the meridian lines are still present, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Taoist Breast Massage is one of the key practices for women in terms of your health, energy and vitality. Sexual energy gathers in your breasts. This is the best of the best energy, which can be redistributed to bring vitality to other parts of your body.
From a purely physical perspective, massaging your breasts will move the tissue and lymph, preventing stagnation.
This powerful practice also boosts your libido, particularly when combined with activating the nipples.
Breast Massage is a wonderful daily self-care routine!
Here are some benefits of learning Taoist Breast Massage:
- Positive changes to your monthly cycle - reduced PMS, pain free periods.
- Hormonal balance, benefiting those in menopause or perimenopause
- Detoxes the lymph and prevents stagnation, meaning healthier breasts
- Produces oxytocin, the love hormone
- Increases libido
- The key to orgasm - connects directly to your cervix
It takes just 3 minutes to do Breast Massage and with a daily practice in just 1 month you will notice a positive change in your cycle, your libido/pleasure and in your relationship to yourself.
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With heart,